With 11.11 Big Sale being Shopee’s largest shopping festival, we wanted to do something eye-catching on a big scale, even on a print level where no one would miss it. Hence, the idea was to have our brand ambassador Jackie Chan bursting out of the cover page, “kicking off” our 11.11 Big Sale for that big impact. So we went for a brave approach of a 3D optical illusion concept that I think is rarely seen on a newsprint medium. And we loved the result! Thank you Pang Li Yin and Cherine Fong from our Media Buy Team for the support and making it happen!
Marketing Lead - Huiyan Pan
Creative Lead - Aaron Wong
Offline Branding Lead - Cherine Fong
Art Director - Jackson Tee
Art Direction and Design - Aaron Wong, Jackson Tee
Retoucher - Sammax Chong
Media Buy - Cherine Fong, Pang Liyin
PR - Jessie Lim
Media - The Star, The Sun
Brand - Shopee Malaysia
Marketing Lead - Huiyan Pan
Creative Lead - Aaron Wong
Offline Branding Lead - Cherine Fong
Art Director - Jackson Tee
Art Direction and Design - Aaron Wong, Jackson Tee
Retoucher - Sammax Chong
Media Buy - Cherine Fong, Pang Liyin
PR - Jessie Lim
Media - The Star, The Sun
Brand - Shopee Malaysia