Tasks: rebranding / brand plan / thematic campaign / media proposal
- One of the biggest wins in Malaysia and Asia in 2017.
- The win made Y&R Malaysia one of the most grossing branches in the whole WPP network regionally and globally.
ECD: Emir Shafri
Managing Director: Lisa Hezila
COO: Patrick Yap
Group Business Director: Nigel Menezes
Senior Art Director: Aaron Wong
Junior Art Director: Chan Wai Guan, Izzy Leong
Copywriter: Reuben Liu
Senior Copywriter: Cham Wei Wei
Designer: Pang Yi Jing
AV Producer: Robert AwVideo production: MotionRom
Agencies: Y&R Malaysia, Grey Group KL, m/SIX
App development / interface design: Wunderman