Project 'WHERE FUN IS'

The brief: 
1. To create relevance to young Malay audience for a dated brand, MARIGOLD Fruit Drink. Giving it a unique, young and fresh visual identity that strongly connects with the colours of the products.
2. To transform unutilized areas around Kuala Lumpur into fun, lively and shareable hangout places for the young people and create free, shareable media for the brand.

Chief Creative Officer: Edwin Leong
Senior Art Director: Aaron Wong
Copywriter: Edwin Leong, Farid Rahim
Designer: Pris Ho
Account executive: Joyce Tee
Client: MARIGOLD Malaysia
Agency: VMLY&R Malaysia
Kev Visual design
Ambient design concept
University campus before transformation
University campus after transformation
University before transformation
University campus after transformation
University campus after transformation
University campus before transformation
University campus after transformation
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